Seven Dogs in Heaven eBook Review

You should probably grab a tissue box for this beautifully crafted story…


Seven Dogs in Heaven by Angelo and Leland Dirks, Illustrated by, is a tear-jerker for sure.

This story takes you down an unusual path, but really digs deep, and defines the purpose of life, and makes you reflect on things you have overlooked in the past. A man who passes away isn’t quite done yet, because all of the dogs in his life still have something to stay.

One little thing that really tied the story together is that they included a quote about the chapter at the beginning of each one. Another thing I appreciate is that this book had substance. It’s so disappointing to pick up a promising book, and realize that it’s nothing but a repeat of another book, and not creatively done at all. That’s why I was really happy when I was reading this, because the way the author wrote this was very original way, and portrayed a different idea than other authors.

I don’t want to say too much, because I feel though this book is best when you go into it with a clean mindset, and not know what to expect. Prepare for some tears, and some laughter. These dogs you will meet are full of personality, and you will start to wonder what your own pet’s intentions are.

Thank you Leland R. Dirks for the eBook. I really appreciated you enlightening me. I definitely recommend this book to any dog-lover, I guarantee a smile on your face by the end.

“Friendship love. This is a very special thing. It’s the sort of love where you know another being’s strengths and weaknesses, perfections and imperfections, and you love the whole package.”
Angelo Dirks, Seven Dogs in Heaven   

Thank you for reading. Till’ next time,

Elizabeth Prater

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